

We had some struggles with Sydney but we bested them today

Posted by BLAIR MACKENZIE on Jan 22 2011 at 09:37AM PST

I was pleased with the way the team came back last night and scored 6 goals in the thrid all from the first line of Logan Evan and Zack parks but the we were in a hole that was too deep to crawl out of when we had a chance to take controll of the team late in the game we were down 9-1 at the point that we could force them .Today we kept the game game closer so in the last 5 minutes we could roll ahead and hold on for the win .We now have tomorrow and to look forward too and i really want to get a game on the County this year so this will be the game to do it they are not that strong but they move the puck well so we will have to take every advantage we can to beat them ……
see you all tomorro with your wanting to win faces on
coach Blair


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